Other Commands
Miscellaneous StickyBot commands. 📃
Get the invite link for StickyBot.
Get the invite to StickyBots Support Server.
Get information about StickyBot.
Includes GitHub, guild count, shard count, uptime, ping, and more.
Lets you know if StickyBot has all the perms needed in the channel to function properly.
Needs at least read/send messages perm.
Get info and the link for StickyBot premium.
Disables all non-sticky commands.
Requires "Manage Server" permission to use.
(Some commands will still be enabled such as the help command) (Users with manage messages perm can still use all commands)
Re-enables all non-sticky commands.
Requires "Manage Server" permission to use.
These commands require the "Embed Links" and "Manage Messages" permission to work properly.
Last updated
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